Terms and Conditions


These general conditions of contracting and use apply to visitors to the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com, as well as to any transactions of a commercial nature carried out through the “Toptuxedo” virtual store, available therein.

Browsing the site, as well as purchasing any product from “Toptuxedo”, implies acceptance of these general conditions of contracting and use by the user and/or the customer.

Toptuxedo reserves the right to change these general contracting and usage conditions without prior notice. Any changes will be published on the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com.


Access to this site is permitted on a temporary basis, and we reserve the right to withdraw or change services without prior notice. Toptuxedo is not responsible if, for any reason, this website is temporarily unavailable and may, eventually, restrict access to some areas of it.

To place an order, the customer, who is at least 18 years old, undertakes to provide his data, allowing the successful processing of his order.

Toptuxedo is not responsible for damages or losses that may arise from the use of any information contained on this site.

Some links on this website redirect the customer to external websites on the domain of partners of the “Toptuxedo” platform. Toptuxedo has no control over these links and, therefore, is not responsible for the material contained therein.


The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of the contents of the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com with prior written authorization granted by “Toptuxedo”, is prohibited for purposes other than strictly personal use.

Toptuxedo reserves the right to modify, at any time, the information and commercial offer presented on: products, prices, promotions, commercial conditions and services.

It is expressly forbidden to use links on this website, regardless of the intended purpose, without prior authorization from Toptuxedo. The use of the domain www.toptuxedo-sa.com for abusive purposes, and without prior authorization, is subject to recourse to the competent legal means by Toptuxedo

Toptuxedo is responsible, directly or indirectly, for all information, content, statements or expressions contained in the texts of articles sold on the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com.

In the event that the information presented does not correspond to the actual characteristics of the product, the Customer has the right to terminate the purchase and sale contract under the applicable legal terms.

Despite its efforts, some products may be incorrectly priced, which is why Toptuxedo checks prices whenever it processes orders. If the price of the product is lower than the advertised price, “Toptuxedo” will refund the difference. If it is higher, “Toptuxedo” will inform the customer of such situation by email and will wait for their decision to accept or cancel the order within 15 days, counting from the date on which it was informed.

All contractual information is written, as well as information on articles, email communications and formalization of the sale.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

All texts, comments, works, illustrations, works and images reproduced or represented on the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com, are the property of Toptuxedo or its suppliers and are duly protected by International Copyright Law. In this way, and under the terms of the Code of Copyright and Related Rights, its use will only be authorized for private purposes, without prejudice to more restrictive provisions contained in the said Code. Any total or partial reproduction or representation of the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com or of the elements included therein is strictly prohibited, under penalty of resorting to the competent legal means against those who act in this way.

Corporate names, trademarks, as well as any distinctive signs reproduced on the www.toptuxedo-sa.com website are protected under the terms of the legal provisions applicable to industrial property. The reproduction or representation of all or part of these distinctive signs is strictly prohibited and must be subject to prior written authorization from the respective owners.


All products sold on the website www.toptuxedo-sa.com comply with Portuguese legislation.

Toptuxedo declines any responsibility in case of violation of the legislation of the country where the order is delivered. It is up to the Customer to check with the local authorities the conditions for importing or using the products he intends to order.

Toptuxedo is not responsible for damages arising from interference, interruptions, computer viruses, malfunctions or disconnections of the operating system that may temporarily prevent access, navigation or service.

action of services to users.

Toptuxedo declines any responsibility for any delay or impossibility of processing the order, namely upon delivery, resulting from an error or insufficiency of the data communicated by the customer.

In case of non-compliance, Toptuxedo reserves the right to delete the account of the user in question.

Obligations of customers and users

The Customer and/or User undertakes to comply with and respect these General Conditions of Contract and Use, namely:

  1. Refrain from introducing, storing or disseminating, through the website, defamatory, obscene, injurious, xenophobic and/or any other content that violates the general principles of law and public order;

2.Keep, and not divulge, your password to enter the site, in order to prevent third parties from accessing your account at toptuxedo-sa.com;

3.Do not use false identities;

4.Provide personal data and correct addresses so that Toptuxedo can properly process orders.

Consumer dispute resolution

Consumers in European Union countries have access to ODR – Online Dispute Resolution, an online platform for resolving disputes with retailers or other providers of e-commerce services.

Toptuxedo Ltd. has a complaints book.

This mechanism was created by the European Commission, with the aim of strengthening confidence in online purchases, namely cross-border, and thus contributing to the strategy of the Single Digital Market of the European Union.

“The platform guarantees all the steps to resolve disputes, from the introduction by the consumer, through the interconnection with the RAL entities – Alternative Resolution of Consumer Disputes, and ending with the information to the parties involved”, explains Paulo Vila Luz, who integrates the direction of ACEPI – Association of Electronic Commerce and Interactive Advertising

For more information: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=EN