Privacy Policy


Toptuxedo respects the privacy of all users of its website and is committed to protecting the personal information that each user decides to share.

Responsible for processing personal data

Toptuxedo is the entity responsible for collecting and processing the personal data of users of this website. The data shared by users will be subject to computer processing and will appear in Toptuxedo’s database(s).

Processing and Alteration

By making your personal data available to Toptuxedo, the user consents to their being processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions. Whenever justified, we will change this Privacy Policy without the need for any prior authorization.

Personal data we may collect

Some sections and/or functionalities of this website can be browsed without recourse to the disclosure of any personal information by the user. The personal data collected by Toptuxedo are limited to those strictly necessary for the provision of the service, namely, the name, address, tax number, telephone number or e-mail and others that are necessary.
Toptuxedo collects personal data, for example, when the user makes a purchase of products or services, or when he comes into contact with Toptuxedo

How do we keep your personal data secure?

Toptuxedo implements the necessary measures to preserve the confidentiality and security of personal data collected and processed.
Various physical, logical and procedural security measures relating to this website are applied in order to protect personal data against its dissemination, loss, misuse, alteration, treatment or unauthorized access, as well as against any other form of illicit treatment.
The user must be an active part in guaranteeing security by keeping the access codes in a safe place and not disclosing the access codes to third parties and following the security practices applicable to equipment and software used on these same devices.

How long is your data kept?

Order data will be kept for ten years.
Other user data, such as name, tax number, telephone contacts and delivery and billing addresses, can be created, changed or deleted by the user himself, in his reserved area.

Who can we share your personal data with?

The personal data collected will be transmitted to third parties, which are companies transporting goods, with the sole and exclusive purpose of carrying out and fully executing the services or products purchased by the user, holder of the personal data collected.

How can you exercise your rights?

The provision of personal data is optional and will always be guaranteed, under the terms of the law, the right to access, rectify and cancel any data provided, and that right may be exercised in person or in writing, directly to the address on the main page of this site. from Internet.

This website uses Cookies in order to provide the best user experience. Considered as such, small text files with relevant information that the access device (computer, mobile phone/smartphone or tablet) loads, through the internet browser (browser), when a website is visited by the user. The cookies used on this website make it possible to improve the performance and browsing experience of its users, increasing, on the one hand, the speed and efficiency of responses and, on the other hand, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. The placement of cookies not only helps the website aw8 to recognize the user’s device the next time he visits it, but it will also be essential for the functioning of the same. The cookies used on this website do not collect personal information that allows the user to be identified, only storing generic information, namely the form or place/country of access and how the user uses the website, among others. Cookies retain only information related to the user’s preferences and the user can, at any time and through his internet browser (browser), decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block the respective entry in his system. Each internet browser has its own configuration process for this configuration. This process can be consulted in the Help menu, which explains how to configure preferences regarding cookies. It is warned, however, that the refusal to use cookies may result in the impossibility of accessing some areas of this website.